Several strategies for online blackjack suitable for every occasion

Card counting is probably the most common strategy used by players when playing blackjack.

Almost all experienced blackjack players playing online at the site use card counting systems.

By utilizing these strategies, you can gain a natural advantage over the casino and other players.

It is important to remember that blackjack card counting systems should be used with caution, because gambling sites may ask you to leave the site if they suspect you of card counting or if you make it blatantly obvious.

Three of the most common card counting methods are available for use in online blackjack.

Hi-Lo The Hi-Lo card counting system is probably the most common blackjack card counting system used in both land-based and online casinos today.

Use the Hi-Lo card counting system in five simple steps:

Determine point values. To start card counting, you must first assign a unique value to each card.

Start small. Start with zero at the beginning of the deck. Once the cards are revealed, start adding and subtracting the corresponding values. For example, if the first five cards up were 3, 7, king, ace, and 6, your tally would be 1+0-1-1-1-1+1 = 0.

Divide the current total. Divide the number of cards left in the shoe by the number of decks left in the shoe after all cards have been dealt in the first round. This will allow you to make the most accurate count in the next phase.

Choose a vent. Once you know your true number, you can begin to strategize your bets.

Making the final decision. Your true number will help you place your bet, depending on how well your hand turns out. However, only you can make this decision.


The Knockout card counting system, also known as the KO system, is very similar to the Hi-Lo system and is easy to use even for beginners.

The Knockout system is unbalanced, meaning it has more low cards that add rather than take away, which is the main difference between the Knockout system and the Hi-Lo system.